Job Location: New York, USA

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7 Reasons You May Have to Reorganize

The world is changing fast. Executives are trying to keep up by applying their best thinking to...

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Decisions, Decisions: How do you find the right lease accounting software?

A quick recap for those not already familiar with the new lease accounting standards: organizations worldwide are...

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How to Execute a Successful Organizational Transformation Project

Organizational Transformation projects arise for a variety of different reasons, including the need to support rapid growth,...

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How are analytics being used by HR Professionals: Out-of-the-Box Analytics vs...

“Build vs Buy” is a fundamental question that companies and IT departments face all the time. It’s...

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Lease Administration by Nakisa 4.0: Does it really matter?

The new lease accounting standards, IFRS 16 and ASC 842, are the result of a joint effort...

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Shop Fluid

Shop Fluid By accessing and placing an order with UXTheme, you confirm that you are in agreement...

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Data Vs. Information – The challenges organizations face

When discussing organizational or talent data, the terms ‘data’ and ‘information’ are used interchangeably, however it’s critical...

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Trends in transformation: politics how shifting political landscapes affect the hr...

The most carefully laid human resource plans can be affected by internal and external change anytime, so...

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Email Marketing

Email Marketing Sed in egestas nibh. Morbi mollis posuere enim ac porta. Duis quis sapien nunc. Duis...

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Cloud Computing: The Way of the Future

One of the most talked about things these days is cloud computing, but what exactly is it?...

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HR suite

Finance Suite


Nakisa HR suite

Nakisa Lease Administration